Tag Archives: blogging

An old fashioned blog tool

Part of the reason that I decided to blog about my journey through depression is that it would serve as a way of expressing the creative side of my personality.  The only problem is that it seems like the good ideas come at the most inopportune times.  I can’t tell you how many times a twist of phrase, or an idea for a photo, or a song melody has popped into my head in the middle of the work day, or while I’m lying in bed or even sitting in the “oval office”.

I needed to get out of the house yesterday, so I made my way to the local Barnes and Noble.  There I found the perfect tool:  a pocket-sized journal.

Remember Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade?  Indy and his dad were looking for the Holy Grail.  When I watch that movie, I can’t help but think that although the Grail served as a good McGuffin, it wasn’t the most interesting treasure of the movie.  Sure, it would be a find of enormous historical and religious significance.  But if you did find it, who would really believe you?  No, the coolest (albeit fictional) artifact of the movie was Henry Jones Sr’s Grail Diary.  Here was a journal of history, legend, faith, art, and adventure. 

So when I saw the little pocket-sized journal at B&N, I couldn’t resist.  It was manufactured by ecosystem out of recycled materials.  While I can’t say that I am a true environmentalist, I do try my best to at least honor the idea of conservationism.  Ecosystem also puts a serial number in the back of their journals, which serves a cool double purpose: you can enter it in on their website to learn the origin of your humble tome, and also register it for lost and found. 

I hope to be able to use mine for drawings, musings, blog ideas, and notes on photos that I have taken.  Hopefully it will help my creativity as much as I think it will.

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MONDAY FUN: The World According to Little Guy

We generally have the radio on in the car while we are driving.  I tend to listen to either country or the local blues/oldies station, while Lovely Wife favors the local Christian music station.  The other day I was driving the kids to meet Lovely Wife somewhere.  The radio was off and both of the kiddos were pretty cranky.  I asked them if they wanted to listen to some tunes, to which Little Guy emphatically answered “Yeah!”.  So I turned on the radio.  He listened for a few seconds before saying, “No, Daddy!  I want the Jesus one!”

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Filed under blogging, depression, journal